Ainger Roofing in Guelph
One of the most important, and costliest, upgrades that you can decide to make to your home, is a complete roof replacement. At Ainger Roofing, we can provide our valued customers with outstanding quality workmanship. As an Owens Corning Platinum Preferred Contractor, this roofing company in Guelph is able to offer our loyal customers, one of the most exceptional manufacturer warranties available today.
Ainger Roofing uses industry-approved products to provide the best possible cover for the top of your home that will extend the life of your roof. Cutting corners will cost money later because a roofing system done on the cheap won’t last.

Ainger Roofing is using state-of-the-art materials for our commercial roofing solutions that have modernized the roofing industry
Why Roofing in Guelph Is So Important
As your home ages, it becomes more likely that it could be suffering from inadequate attic insulation. If your home has not had a comprehensive attic inspection recently, you should consider having one done as soon as possible. The current standard for attic insulation depth is an R60 rating or just over 22inches. However, we have found that many homes tend to contain about a quarter of that amount.
UV rays, bitterly cold winters, and damaging winds are only a few of the weather phenomenon that can affect your roofing system on nearly a daily basis. When you make the choice to hire a qualified roofing company in Guelph to maintain your roofing system, you reduce the risk of your roofing system expiring before its time and cut down on the need for significant roof repairs.

Regular roof maintenance can include, snow or ice removal, eavestrough maintenance, or the replacement of broken or missing shingles. If you have been neglecting to provide your roof with the regular roof maintenance it requires, and are now in need of a quality roof repair, it’s important that you call Ainger Roofing, as soon as possible to prevent the problem from becoming significant.

For commercial roofing solutions in Guelph, Ainger Roofing is using state-of-the-art materials that have modernized the roofing industry and Ainger Roofing is at the forefront of those applications.
Attic Insulation in Guelph
At Ainger Roofing, our competent attic insulation specialists can provide your home with a comprehensive thermal attic inspection, this will help to determine your current attic ventilation, and attic insulation levels, and whether your home would be better suited for an attic insulation top-up, or a complete attic insulation removal, and attic insulation replacement.
With energy costs rising, heat loss from your attic could be as much as 40 percent due to poor blown-in attic insulation

This attic insulation deficiency can lead to above-average heating, and cooling, costs and can also lead to the need for an early roof replacement.
How to Know When It’s Time to Replace Your Siding in Guelph

When your siding is showing signs of wear and tear or if it has an outdated style, it’s time to replace it. Knowing which kind of siding to choose can be difficult, but our experts at Ainger Roofing are here to help. We can assist you with weighing different factors in order to choose the best siding in Guelph for your home.
In addition to keeping your roofing system functioning optimally, a big part of keeping your home safe and functioning efficiently is making certain you have proper siding. Guelph residents can make certain there home’s siding is doing its job by asking themselves these questions:
Is the siding cracked or rotting?
Is there mold or mildew in the siding?
Is paint inside the house peeling?
Does the paint look dull and faded more frequently than every 8-10 years?
Have energy costs increased?
If you’ve answered yes to these questions, then it could be time to replace your home’s siding in Guelph.
We are especially skilled with siding
Here is a quick run-down of the siding services we offer:

Vinyl Siding
Vinyl siding provides a high degree of durability, as well as low maintenance and a wide selection of styles to choose from. This type of siding also helps you keep energy bills lower and can enhance the look of your home when you choose the right design and colour.

Metal Siding
Metal siding typically costs less than vinyl and can last for over 30 years due to its durability. This kind of siding also offers good insulation, which helps lower energy costs.

Cape Cod Siding
Cape Cod wood siding is available in a wide range of colours and styles to suit any home. Whether you’re looking for a more traditional and timeless design or a contemporary style, you can find it with Cape Cod siding in Guelph.

Board and Batten Siding
Board and batten is a vertical-style vinyl siding option that requires little maintenance and has a long lifespan. This type of siding in Guelph provides homes with an upscale appearance.

Eavestrough Installation In Guelph
The amount of water that runs from your roof during the heaviest of rains and spring snow melts, is known to measure in the gallons. If your home does not currently have a properly functioning eavestrough system to direct that water away, it can pool around the foundation of your home, causing significant damage to both your foundation and basement and can also destroy your well-kept landscaping. If you should notice any deficiencies in your eavestrough system, large or small, contact a full-service roofing company in Guelph, right away.

If your siding needs to be replaced, you could be finding yourself paying much higher energy costs than you should be. Replacing old, cracked or damaged siding will not only make your home look better, it will make it more efficient, saving you money.

Ainger Group, we offer installation and repair services for roof shingles in Guelph
Roof Shingles In Guelph
The shingles on your roof serve both functional and cosmetic purposes. Roof shingles can enhance your home’s appearance, but they also need to be able to protect your home from the elements. It’s essential to make sure you have shingles that are in good condition, so that your home maintains its curb appeal and stays safe from wind, rain, and other elements. At Ainger Group, we offer installation and repair services for roof shingles in Guelph.
Our installation services include Owens-Corning shingles, which provide a high amount of durability and aesthetic appeal. These roof shingles come in a wide range of designs and tones, so you can select the best style for your home. Owens-Corning roof shingles feature surfaces that can withstand rain and wind, along with fiberglass pads for added durability. Our roofing team can help you choose the right roof shingles to boost your home’s appearance and provide maximum protection from adverse weather.
When you have shingles that are loose or broken, you can count on Ainger Group for roof repairs. We have experience handling all types of repairs for roof shingles in Guelph. Whether you have damage from a storm or shingles that are experiencing wear and tear, we can provide you with prompt repairs to get your roof back in good condition.

Commercial Roofing in Guelph
We always use best industry practices when installing commercial roofing in Guelph. This way we maximize the life of the material used and the entire overall roofing system. Our commercial roofs are designed to protect one of your largest investments. Rather than facing costly repairs later, choose experts in commercial roofing for the best protection for your building and a long-lasting and strong roofing system.

Ainger Roofing in Guelph
Ainger Roofing has been providing regular and emergency service to Guelph and the surrounding regions for over 30 years. We are certified and skilled roofing contractors.
Get Started with Your Free Estimate
Calls us at 705-444-5712
The best roofing solution available in Guelph. Our roofing experts would be happy to answer any questions and we provide a no-obligation free estimate for all our customers.
36 Cedar St,
Collingwood, ON
L9Y 3A5