Ainger Siding

5 Keys to Inspecting a Commercial Roof

A commercial building can be expensive to maintain. But business owners can protect themselves against unexpected costs by regularly inspecting their commercial roof.

The experts at Ainger Roofing have put together a list of important things to look for while inspecting the roof of your commercial building.

  1. Start from the inside of the building

When left without inspection for long periods of time, commercial roofs can endure damages due to natural elements, allowing water and mold to seep into the building. Before inspecting a roof, it’s important to check for damage to the interior of the building. If damage does occur on the interior of your commercial building, it is always safer to call a commercial roofing company and have a professional complete your roof inspection for you.

2. Check for gutter blockage

When leaves and dirt are blown into your gutters over time, enough buildup can lead to water blockage. When this occurs and water starts to pool, it can lead to water damage on your roof. By clearing debris from your gutters regularly, you can avoid expensive repairs, and extend the life of your roof.

3. Repair cracks and tears regularly

Cracks and tears to your expansion joints, rubber boots, and the roofing material itself are bound to happen over time. Have these repaired by a commercial roofing company immediately when you notice damages, as this will prevent further damage and unwanted elements from seeping into the interior of the building.

4. Keep your building up to date

Time can wear on materials. Look for rusting metal pipes, curling shingles and other signs of aging. Have these materials replaced by a commercial roofing company when they seem to have exceeded their lifespan.

5. Safety first

A commercial building is at a higher risk of liability issues than a residential property. This is because the many building likely has many more visitors daily than any residential property. Ensure there are visible signs warning staff and customers to stay away from dangerous areas and that common staircases and other walking points maintain their structural stability.

Ainger Roofing Can Help

Depending on your specific commercial roof, roofing concerns will vary. To get a free estimate of your roof by a trusted commercial roofing company and prevent problems before they grow out of hand, call us at 705-444-5712!